Bhugol Swadeshcharcha
( ভূগোল স্বদেশচর্চা )

Editor's Post


এই পত্রিকার প্রধান অনুপ্রেরণা অধ্যাপক সুভাষ রঞ্জন বসু'র সঙ্গে সম্পাদক ড. শিশির চ্যাটার্জি ;
পদ্মা পাড়ে, রাজশাহী,জুলাই,২০০৭

About Founder & Editor

Dr Sisir Chatterjee (b.1977) is a former University Research Fellow of the Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, India and took his doctorate in 2005, and currently working for Raidighi College, under the University of Calcutta as Associate Professor of Department of Geography. He continues to work on environmental issues of Sundarbans and urban centers of India by ground level research with students of various institutions and universities. Aside from that, his aim is the expansion of the bengali language in every multidisciplinary geographical study and academic documentation.

1st Edition

10th Year Edition(1)

10th Year Edition(2)

20th Year Edition

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